Oh, hello. My name is Bob Boorstein and I am the owner of the multi-trillion dollar enterprise known as the BWF. Until today, I have been merely the faceless genius behind the scenes. Please, allow me to explain.
You see, you can only unveil yourself to the public once. I wanted a portrait that reflected my magnetic personality. Calm and reassuring, yet clearly business savvy. Attractive, sure, but not distractingly so. Capturing all of me in one picture is akin to capturing lightning in a bottle. It takes time.
To get this magnificent picture that you see before you, 22 photographers were fired and one was regrettably killed (please direct questions to my lawyers.) After the best in New York came up short, I decided to import a gifted photographer from France. Talented young fellow named Matthieu Bertrand.
It was just great talking to you and I hope you feel like you know me just a little bit better. Please stay tuned for all of the exciting new developments. Bye bye now, you hear?